
6KVA Pure sine wave online UPS with charger

HOT PRODUCTS > UPS > 6KVA Pure sine wave online UPS with charger

6KVA Pure sine wave online UPS with charger

Online UPS
Input voltage range:
Output voltage range:
Transfer Time:
Line mode to Battery mode 0ms
Line mode / Battery mode to Bypass mode 4ms
1. LCD display
2. Bypass indicator
3. Status indicator
4. Charging indicator
5. Fault indicator
6. Function keys (Please refer to operation chapter for the detailed operation)
7. AC input terminals
8. AC output terminals
9. Grounding terminal
10. Battery input
11. Circuit breaker
12. RS-232 communication port
13. USB communication port
14. EPO port (Emergency power off)
15. Parallel communication port (only for parallel model)
16. Current sharing port (only for parallel model)
17. Intelligent slot


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