
Power environment monitoring system

Column:Industry News Time:2020-12-25
1 The configuration of the main equipment and peripheral equipment of the power environment monitoring system shall meet the design requirements.

1 The configuration of the main equipment and peripheral equipment of the power environment monitoring system shall meet the design requirements.

2 The monitoring system should be powered by an uninterruptible power supply.

3 The test of the power environment monitoring system should include the following items and should meet the design requirements.

(1) The magnitude and accuracy of data collection, data storage, output reports, data exchange, and data processing of front-end collection equipment;

(2) System software structure and function;

(3) System alarm and control functions;

(4) Safety management function.


4 Any failure of the monitoring system shall not affect the normal operation of the monitored equipment, and the local failure of the monitoring system shall not affect the normal operation of other parts of the monitoring system.

5 The functions and data processing completed by the remote signaling, remote measurement and remote control of the monitoring system shall meet the design requirements.

6 All remote control, remote measurement, and remote signaling content specified in the technical requirements shall be tested, and the test results shall meet the design requirements

7 The system should conduct sampling tests for the content of simultaneous multi-point telemetry, and the test results should meet the design requirements.

8 The system should be tested for multi-point alarm signals, and the test results should meet the design requirements.

9 When dedicated line communication is used, the response time from the point of failure to the maintenance center should not be greater than 10s, and the response time of the system to manual instructions should not be greater than 30s.

10 When the system has alternate communication routing options, it should be switched normally according to the order.

11 The communication system should detect communication errors, and there should be remedial measures and safety measures to ensure the reliability and safety of system communication.

12 The addition of the monitoring system should not change the original monitoring function of the monitored equipment, and should give priority to its own monitoring function.

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